Home Working and the Planet

[breno_vc_section_title title_head=”h2″ title=”Home Working “How’s that working out for you and the planet?“” google_fonts=”font_family:Dancing%20Script%3Aregular%2C700|font_style:700%20bold%20regular%3A700%3Anormal” sub_title_pos=”top” sep_type=”border” sc_spacing=”25px 20px” title_color=”#21212d” sub_title_color=”#6abe52″ background_title_color=”#f0f0f0″]3 more weeks of lockdown! Your husbands been furloughed, the kids are being home schooled, nobody is dressed and you’re desperately trying to email your boss the latest sales figures from the sofa whilst teaching maths.

This home working is going to take some getting used to! Covid-19 has bought about a lifestyle we barely recognise, but fast forward to the end of this crisis; your car has hardly been used, you’ve shopped locally, stopped buying endless plastic bottles of water on your lunch break and Saturday afternoon no longer means driving 20 miles to a retail park to buy a Cappuccino in a disposable cup. [/breno_vc_section_title]

[breno_vc_section_title title_head=”h6″ title=”Has Covid-19 secretly turned us green?” google_fonts=”font_family:Dancing%20Script%3Aregular%2C700|font_style:700%20bold%20regular%3A700%3Anormal” sub_title_pos=”top” sc_spacing=”25px 20px” title_color=”#21212d” sub_title_color=”#6abe52″ background_title_color=”#f0f0f0″]“Work from home” was the call from Boris. Facetime, Zoom and Skype were to become the new morning meeting. And while the technophobes amongst us took a sharp intake of breath at the thought of having to operate IT outside the office, the rest of us wondered how our self-esteem would cope with dreadful camera angles, awkward silences and that cringe moment when all your colleagues start talking at the same time during the online meeting.

I’m not really selling it am I? But as time goes by (and the children go back to school) is this something we could get used to? And I don’t mean just for the benefit of working in our pyjamas! Could working from home result in the one thing we’ve all been meaning to do…. reduce our carbon footprint?

As air traffic practically comes to a halt and driving to work, for all but our Key Workers is on hold, the lockdown has bought cleaner air and clearer skies across the UK. Of course, the road to reducing climate change is more complex than just hitting the pause button on pollution. But if the message before Covid-19 was “small actions will help reduce climate change” then this crisis has shown that we are in control of our planet’s future and that changes in our lifestyle will make a difference. Surely, we won’t just go back to our old ways, will we?

When the lockdown has lifted, will you be the first to drive back to the office in your 4 x 4? Or will you be banging on your bosses door to say “look how efficient I was at home, look how much money you’ve saved….. and by the way our planet seems a little less polluted.”

Covid-19 has defiantly forced us to change our gas guzzling, commuting, polluting ways for now, but In the meantime, while you’re waiting for your boss to realise it is inefficient, expensive and no longer acceptable to drive 200 miles to hold a business meeting, you can take a moment to think about our planet, after all when lockdown has ended, the real fight against climate change will only just be beginning.[/breno_vc_section_title]

[breno_vc_section_title title_head=”h3″ title=”Today, You Can Be The Hero That Saves The Planet” google_fonts=”font_family:Dancing%20Script%3Aregular%2C700|font_style:700%20bold%20regular%3A700%3Anormal” text_align=”center” sub_title=”Protecting Our Future” sub_title_pos=”top” sep_type=”border” sc_spacing=”25px 20px” title_color=”#21212d” sub_title_color=”#6abe52″ background_title_color=”#f0f0f0″][/breno_vc_section_title]
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[breno_vc_pricing_table title=”Super Hero” price=”£33 /month” pricing_titles=”%5B%7B%22title%22%3A%221%2C320%20Trees%20Planted%22%2C%22title_stat%22%3A%22on%22%7D%2C%7B%22title%22%3A%222.4%20Tonnes%20of%20CO2%20Removed%20(Approx)%22%2C%22title_stat%22%3A%22on%22%7D%2C%7B%22title%22%3A%22Delivering%20Education%20in%20Schools%22%2C%22title_stat%22%3A%22on%22%7D%2C%7B%22title%22%3A%22Protecting%20Woodlands%22%2C%22title_stat%22%3A%22on%22%7D%2C%7B%22title%22%3A%22Protecting%20Peat%20Lands%22%2C%22title_stat%22%3A%22on%22%7D%2C%7B%22title%22%3A%22Supporting%20Science%20%26%20Innovation%22%2C%22title_stat%22%3A%22on%22%7D%2C%7B%22title%22%3A%22Supporting%20Change%20Projects%22%2C%22title_stat%22%3A%22on%22%7D%5D” pricing_content=”*CO2 removed equivalent to car free living” btn_text=”Buy now” btn_url=”https://www.epic3.org/product/individual-hero/” pricing_layout=”1″ pricing_items=”{“Enabled“:{“title“:“Title“,“price“:“Price Info“,“features“:“Features List“,“content“:“Content“,“btn“:“Button“},“disabled“:{“image“:“Image“,“video“:“Video“,“icon“:“Icon“}}”]
[breno_vc_section_title extra_class=”margin-bottom-40″ title_head=”h4″ title=”Looking for a business plan that can offset your CO2?” google_fonts=”font_family:Abril%20Fatface%3Aregular|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal” text_align=”center” title_color=”#ffffff”][/breno_vc_section_title]
[breno_vc_button btn_txt=”Explore business solutions” btn_url=”https://www.epic3.org/business-plans-categories/” btn_alignment=”center” btn_bg_trans=”t” btn_hbg_trans=”c” btn_border=”enable” border_size=”1px” border_trans=”c” font_color=”#ffffff” font_hcolor=”#000000″ btn_hbg_color=”#ffffff” css=”.vc_custom_1599763314962{padding-top: -40px !important;}” border_color=”#81d742″]
[breno_vc_section_title extra_class=”margin-bottom-40″ title_head=”h5″ title=”Both plans give you CO2 removal, a feel good factor and support” google_fonts=”font_family:Abril%20Fatface%3Aregular|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal” text_align=”center”][/breno_vc_section_title]
[breno_vc_feature_box title=”A fresh approach” title_url_opt=”yes” title_url=”#” title_head=”h6″ text_align=”center” icon_size=”30″ icon_type=”fontawesome” icon_fontawesome=”fab fa-accessible-icon” icon_variation=”c” icon_style=”rounded-circle” border_size=”1″ fbox_image=”5235″ sc_spacing=”30px 20px 0″ feature_layout=”1″ css=”.vc_custom_1594250410165{margin-bottom: 0px !important;padding-top: 70px !important;padding-right: 32px !important;padding-bottom: 70px !important;padding-left: 32px !important;background-color: #f3f4f5 !important;}” border_color=”#ffffff” title_color=”#000000″ fbox_items=”{“Enabled“:{“image“:“Image“,“title“:“Title“,“content“:“Content“,“btn“:“Button“},“disabled“:{“video“:“Video“,“icon“:“Icon“}}”]Working to tackle climate issues on all fronts[/breno_vc_feature_box]
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[breno_vc_feature_box title=”Support” title_url_opt=”yes” title_url=”#” title_head=”h6″ text_align=”center” icon_size=”30″ icon_type=”fontawesome” icon_fontawesome=”fab fa-accessible-icon” icon_variation=”c” icon_style=”rounded-circle” border_size=”1″ fbox_image=”5581″ sc_spacing=”30px 20px 0px” feature_layout=”1″ css=”.vc_custom_1594250869556{margin-bottom: 0px !important;padding-top: 70px !important;padding-right: 32px !important;padding-bottom: 70px !important;padding-left: 32px !important;background-color: #f3f4f5 !important;}” border_color=”#ffffff” title_color=”#000000″ fbox_items=”{“Enabled“:{“image“:“Image“,“title“:“Title“,“content“:“Content“,“btn“:“Button“},“disabled“:{“video“:“Video“,“icon“:“Icon“}}”]Customer service team located here in the UK.[/breno_vc_feature_box]
[breno_vc_section_title extra_class=”margin-bottom-40″ title_head=”h5″ title=”Frequently asked questions” google_fonts=”font_family:Abril%20Fatface%3Aregular|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal” text_align=”center” title_color=”#888888″][/breno_vc_section_title]

Why did we create epic3?

Because we love our planet and we don’t want all the bad stuff to happen to our future generations! Ok that’s a bit too obvious isn’t it? Epic3 was created because we know that climate change is a scary subject and people don’t know what to do. Change is hard for everyone, but we can’t keep ignoring the problem. So whilst all of us, including governments and business work out a plan, we looked at what people could do before they are ready to buy an electric car or give up meat for good! Joining our community means you are doing something about climate change right now, today and that can only be a good thing.

Is my carbon footprint really that big?

There is no doubt that our very existence on the planet contributes to co2 in the atmosphere, after all its what we breath out! But it’s a question of balance and unfortunately our way of life is tipping things too far for our planet to cope with. Everything we do has an impact, from sending a text message to taking a long haul flight. That can seem overwhelming but it is time to take this challenge on and consider if the things we do, buy, or consume are worth the damage. Being a member of epic3 gives you the freedom to acknowledge your impact on the planet whilst considering the changes you can make. It doesn’t matter if you run a fleet of lorries or ride you bike to work, we all have a continued responsibility to look after the earth.

Isn't this just offsetting?

No, we’re not keen on the term offsetting, it implies we can just carry on without considering the planet. Extra trees are the best way to gobble up co2 but we could never plant enough to stop the damage at the rate we’re causing it. That’s why with epic3 you are supporting a mission that involves educating children and adults on how to protect the planet, investing in new climate positive idea’s and in changes to our communities that support a more sustainable way of life.

Can epic3 stop climate change?

A global effort is required to tackle climate change, we’d be very foolish to think we could do it all by ourselves. But if everyone on the planet took on the same mission as epic3 then yes, we can do this. We have to stop the planet’s temperature increasing and if we educate ourselves, protect our planets natural resources, plant more trees, consume and discard less and find alternative energy sources then it is still possible to stop the change that will have a devastating effect on our planet.

Are you a registered charity?

No we’re not, a charity has a board of volunteers who oversee and take responsibility for the financial and moral wellbeing of the operation. As founders of Epic3 we are so passionate about our message and vision that we wanted to remain at the heart of our business. Our enthusiasm for helping everyone to save the planet is the driving force for the direction of Epic3. Instead Epic3 is a Community Interest Company.

What is a community interest company?

A community interest company has to fulfil a community purpose, ours being “to help everyone fight climate change”. When we set up Epic3 we had to write a statement which set out our social mission. The mission is protected, giving you, our members peace of mind. Everything Epic3 does from planting trees to providing education is to fight climate change and prevent further damage to our beautiful planet.

Another benefit of being a community interest company is that there is a “lock” on our assets. This means that our profits are primarily directed back into the business and anything we acquire as a business must be used for our community purpose. So, land, trees, educational material, it’s all protected for the good of our cause, which we think is great news, and if Epic3 were to ever end, we have to transfer our assets to a similar CIC or charity.

What is the difference between an Individual and Business plan?

Who’s say’s size doesn’t matter eh? Well when it comes to fighting climate change we all have to be responsible for the size of the damage we’re causing. A family of four won’t be contributing to climate change as mush as a business running a fleet of lorries or a factory, so all our plans are designed with you, the user in mind. We must take control of our own impact on the planet, however small or big, if we are to make a difference in reducing the damage we’re making and that’s why Epic3 offers a range of plans to help everyone.

Where can I get news on the great thing Epic3 are doing?

We will update our website and social media regularly to let everyone know about the great things we’re achieving together. To really see epic3 in action why not book one of our free workshops for you local school or business?

Can I change plans?

Yes of course, if you think you could make a a greater contribution towards fighting climate change then you can upgrade your monthly plan at anytime. Just go to the My Account section of the website and select Change My Plan.

What if I change my mind?

Even though you may have a real passion for epic3’s vision we understand that there may be times when it’s just not practical to give back on a monthly basis. The great news is you can pause you plan at any time and reactivate when you feel ready. Details can be found in the My Account section under Change My Plan.

[breno_vc_section_title extra_class=”margin-bottom-40″ title_head=”h4″ title=”Support a variety of projects” google_fonts=”font_family:Abril%20Fatface%3Aregular|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal” text_align=”center” title_color=”#000000″ font_color=”#888888″]epic3 runs and supports a range of climate initiatives designed around 4 key areas.

Education | Protection | Innovation | Change
[breno_vc_section_title extra_class=”margin-bottom-40″ title_head=”h4″ title=”Be a Hero, help us fight climate change.” google_fonts=”font_family:Abril%20Fatface%3Aregular|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal” text_align=”center” font_color=”#ffffff” title_color=”#ffffff”][/breno_vc_section_title]
[breno_vc_button btn_txt=”Sign Up” btn_url=”https://www.epic3.org/product/individual-hero/” btn_alignment=”center” btn_bg_trans=”t” btn_hbg_trans=”c” btn_border=”enable” border_size=”1px” border_trans=”c” font_color=”#ffffff” font_hcolor=”#000000″ btn_hbg_color=”#ffffff” css=”.vc_custom_1594252345760{padding-top: -40px !important;}” border_color=”#ffffff”]